CB Pacific has recently been signed as the exclusive sales representative in Alaska for Valtek and Kammer general and severe service control valves, actuation, Logix positioners and controller products. Previous to this announcement, CB Pacific has well-represented these same products in Oregon, Washington, and part of Idaho.
Valtek/Kammer and Logix brands are manufactured by Flowserve, and widely used and specified in the Oil and Gas industry, power generation, chemical processing and pulp & paper industries.
CB Pacific will offer solutions for linear and rotary valve applications throughout the region with our highly trained staff and tools for the marketplace in support of Flowserve.
Flowserve is one of the world’s leading providers of fluid motion and control products and services.
5610 Silverado Way, Suite A01
Anchorage, AK 99518
Phone: (907) 696-2799

Our Anchorage staff are part of our 30+ employee company. They all live in the greater Anchorage area, and visit places as remote as off-shore platforms to the North Slope.Don Maupin, General Manager

Don Maupin, General Manager