Apr 11, 2021

DeZURIK manufactures valves for the Municipal Water and Wastewater Markets. Butterfly, eccentric plug, V-port ball and knife gate valves for manual and automatic control applications. Our high-quality of products and team of experts make us a global leader in manufacturing water and wastewater treatment valves as well as pulp and paper valves, chemical and petrochemical valves, mining valves and other process industries valves. With over 250 years of combined history, DeZURIK, APCO, HILTON and Willamette are recognized worldwide for high- quality products, superior performance and innovation.

From the introduction of the Eccentric Plug Valve in 1928 to the newest innovations in Knife Gate Valves, AWWA Butterfly Valves, V-Port Ball Valves, Check Valves and High Performance Butterfly Valves, we remain at the forefront of technology and provide effective solutions for our customers.